(Due Friday,November 14)
How are Muslims trying to change their image and get Westerners to understand the religion of Islam better? Find out about "The 99" .... A Comic Book about Superheroes created by a Muslim/U.S. educated psychiatrist. Who are the "99" and what "powers" do they possess? Will these new "superheroes" succeed and be accepted? What can you learn about Islam from this approach(a Comic Book)?
View either of the Video News Reports
PBS Report on "The 99" or the ABC News Video below. Leave your comment on the Blog (by Friday, Nov 14 .)
ASSIGNMENT #2 - 50 points
(Turn this assignment in class on Monday, November 17)
- Choose 2 articles from the sites listed below and compare them
- Read 1 U.S./Western based article from the list below
- Read 1 Middle East based article from the list below
- Word Process/Type a comparative summary and response essay. Include the following your essay:
- Opening Paragraph with topic sentence. Include the following:
- Where the information came from
- When the articles were written
- For whom the articles were written
- 2nd Paragraph: Summarize the articles and discuss the following...
- What were the main ideas of each?
- Were the articles similar in any way? Different?
- For whom were the articles written and why?
- 3rd Paragraph: Write your response/reaction to what you read. Consider....
- Did the articles have a point of view? Did they want you to agree or disagree with what was written? Did the writer's have a biased point of view(POV)? Did the writers provoke you (make you angry? Cause you to think or react in some way based on what they wrote?) Did you learn anything about Islam? Its history? Culture?
Stanley Taylor
Period 5
My point of view on the "99 Superheroes" is that,its a comic about how the traits of Islam can be used by using superheros. I thought it was very intresting and I Believe it will do good as a franchise.They are trying to say that even Islamic superheros can have the same traits as other we are not to much different and superheroes are universal.
Shane McDevitt - pd. 5
The comic book "The 99" is based on Islamic tradition and culture. The heroes powers are luck and are strength, generosity, mercy, and wisdom. The comics are directly related to the Islamic religion, but the back story is tucked into it. I think these comics will be accepted around the world because some people want to hear good things about the M.E., not just war and violence. Many people that want these books are comic enthusiasts though. From these comics, you can learn the culture of Islamic teachings and how Muslims are expected to act under their religion.
Ian Farrell
Period: 5
I think that this is a good way for children to learn about Islam. The different characters from different countries give it a good twist, and shows that Islam is not only in the Middle East. Giving each character a different power of Allah lets people know that Islam is not a bad religion. Some of the characters are: Jabbar The Powerful, Jami The Assembler, and Noora The Light. This is the web site of the comic book series: http://www.the99.org/
Jason Haug
Period 4
The video about the 99 comics was very interesting. I think it is cool how they tie in the islamic religion to their comics and characters. I find it facinating on how they use the 99 attributes to have 99 characters, each having one attribute from their god Allah.
I think the 99 comic book is a very smart idea. I think it is a good way to show the islamic culture through a fun way that kids would enjoy reading. I would enjoy reading one of these comics to understand what kinds of messages or lessons being portrayed throughout it.
-Danielle Strauss:
Period Seven
Jackie Boyd
The “99” are 99 superheroes in these comic books, from 99 different countries, that each possess a different trait. These traits are the traits of the Allah, and each of these characters has one of those traits. I think that this is a good way to educate people, and children about other countries of the world. There is one super hero from each country, and I think this is a good way for people to learn about different places of the world. Also, these comic books are showing that there are good things, and good people in foreign countries. All you hear about are the bad things, and the negative sides to these countries, but, by making super heroes that help people, and do good things with their powers, it shows the good things about these Islamic countries. In addition, messages and lessons from their cultures are being tied into these comics, which are teaching the reader something else positive as well.
I the idead of spreading Islamic culture through comics is interesting because they are less wordy, and comical pictures. And other regions should also use this method to spread their point of view or cultures. -Amy Yang
Hi, this is Jenna Im, in 4th period world civ. I thought this 99 comic book was very interesting. I liked the idea of comic based on islamic culture because then so many people can learn more about muslims.
"With great power comes, the great responsibility," which is a message from Spiderman.I agreed with the idea that this message is not only for the certain religions, it's for everyone, a universal message. I think that once this cartoon becomes famous around the world, maybe people might have positive perspectives about the muslims, instead of knowing them as just terrorists.
This is pretty cool, in cool I mean the way that they are taking their culture, (Islam) and incorporating it into a comic that they want the whole world to see. It not only teaches you one lesson or one moral, but puts a lot of them in there and it just adds to the overall comic. As you can already see from the response, it is growing in popularity even here in the United States.
-Allie Naughton
Isabelle M ---> Period 5
Thee 99 super heroes represent that 99 qualities of allah, and also, these heroes are from different countries. The comics aren't directly related to allah, though. But these 99 superheroes demonstrate allah qualities in their own way. It is a good idea because i think alot of people view the islamic culture and religiong poorly due to the publicity is gets involving the war. This is a ggood way to how that their religion is actually good, not bad.
Jordan Rights
Period 4
I think the "99 Superheros" comic book is a great way of spreading their culture. Instead of a universal message, this comic gives one applied to the Islamic culture. The "99 Superheros" represent the 99 attributes of Allah, and the background of the comic is also based on Islamic culture. The heroes also come from "99" different countries each with his/her own unique superpower. This is a great way to connect with other audiences and teach them about the Islamic culture.
-Jake Randazzo
-Period 7
This blog struck me as very interesing. I like the concept of blending the Islam religion to something that a lot of people can enjoy, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. I believe that these comics also help to dispose of the negative views that most Americans have for the Middle East.
Amanda Kida
Period 7
The 99 superheroes in this comic come from different countries, and they each have their own special ability, just like every other superhero that we know today. These comics are, in my opinion, a good way to open the minds of kids to different religions. Since it is based off of Allah's traits, i think it brings them even closer to understanding the core of Islam. The comic book is also a way for the followers to spread their religion in a more inviting way. Comic books in general are easy to skim through, they are colorful, and they get the point across. By using "the 99", people can understand the religion and also help in reminding them that violence is not the only thing that happens in the Middle East.
Emily Geliebter
Period 5
I believe that the comic book "The 99" is a very interesting idea. It portrays all the sides of Islam that some people may not know. It appeals to those who may not be otherwise interested by using comic book heroes. I think this is a good way to show people the characteristics of Islam in a fascinating manner. It shows people the good things going on in the Middle East instead of just the bad things and it sends a good message to all of it's readers. I think this will be a well supported comic book and i think it will do well.
The comic books "The 99" is so interesting. The way that the creator took the Islam religion and tied it into a comic book is cool that it is educational and a worldly message as well. It is also different that all of the 99 characters have 99 qualities that the God they worship Allah have. It is something different and interesting. It is also cool how they are all people from all different countries. They seem like cool heroes.
-Alison Kenny
p.d 4
Renee Tornea - Period 7
The superheroes from the comic book "The 99" are each from 99 different countries and represent the 99 attributes of Allah. Their powers are generosity, wisdom, foresight, mercy, strength, etc. I think these comic books will succeed and be accepted because other than being comic enthusiasts, people want to hear good news about the Middle East. Since the comic books are based on Islamic tradition and culture, people can learn more about Islam and its background information like where it comes from and what Muslims do in order to follow their religion.
Sean Lawrence
Period 7
I believe that "The 99" is an excellent way to spread the ways of Islam and to introduce people to a different culture, without being too forceful.
"The 99" comic is about these powerful stones scattered across the globe that give its owner magical powers. These powers are based on the 99 attributes Muslims assign to Allah. What Mutawa, the author of this new comic book, wanted to do was not only create positive role models and heroes for Muslim children, but also help other people (no matter their ethnicity or country of origin) discover the true values of Islam and Muslim culture.
I believe that this comic will be a big hit in the U.S. because all the heroes have positive qualities worth emulation. This is what every child wants, a hero.
Chris Finestone
Period 7
I think that the 99 Superheroes comic book is a cool idea! I like how it is based on Islam, but never mentions it. I don't think that they are trying to convert people, but I think it is a good way to learn about it. The superheroes that are based off of Islam, really aren't too different from our heroes. One could read these comics, and not know that they were based on religion. One thing is, that I think it will get kind of cluttered to have 99 superheroes in one story. Eventually, it will get confusing, and people will loose track of them.
Breeana Darden
Period 7
I think that it is wonderful that there is a comic book about Islam. It is good that they are putting it out there to the media trying to let people know what they’re all about. The most interesting detail about this comic book is that the super heroes have the 99 attributes of Allah.
Ryan Woerner
Period 4
In "The 99",I think its interesting how each of the 99 characters represents one of Allah's 99 attributes, each coming from differing countries around the Middle East. Some powers possessed by the 'superheroes' include strength and generosity. While the comic does relate in a big way to Islam, it never actually comes out and says it. I think that comic books are good ways to teach younger children about things like religion.
Joe Hegerich
Pd. 5
The 99 are superheroes who each possess the different traits of Islam and come from all over the world. The comic is trying to give a universal message by having the superheroes be from all over the world, while still being Muslims. I think that the superheroes will succeed because they are showing the messages of Islam and showing that Islam is not evil.
Emily Towey
pd. 4
I think the 99 comic book is an extremely good idea. Not only is it kid friendly but it is putting a positive outlook on the middle east because they are mostly muslim. Although it doesn't specifically relate to the topic of the Muslim religion, it does have a background to the traditions.
For example the title is 99 because the god Alla has 99 atributes. In the book there are 99 superheroes each one focusing on an atribute and are from a country that mainly practices Muslim.
People all over the world, including me, think this is and exceptional idea. I believe if this comic book becomes world wide everyone will change the negative veiws on Islamic world and turn them into positive.
Nadia Korsun
Period 7
"The 99 Superheroes" is a comic book that is used to represent the characteristics of Islam. I think that it's a good idea since each character is used to for a different trait. The creator of this comic book is trying to say make it seem that these superheroes are not any different than American superheroes. They can all be universal and the messages that they give off can be universal as well and don't have to stick to just Islam. It's a very good idea for a comic book.
Tyler Conroy
The 99 are superheros that represent the 99 attributes of god. I think that this is a good way to educate people on the religion of islam. It is very creative and I do not think that this much thought has ever been put into a comic book. In the United States it will probably be read more by people who are muslim. Others may not read it because they may think that it is all educational.
Christina Geating
Period 5
I think this new comic book series, "99" is great. I think it is wonderful how Naif Al-Mutawa, the creator of "99" brings out his religion and its beliefs through these comics. Not forcing it on others, but bringing out what their religion is all about in an entertaining way to anyone who wants to learn more about it. It also works as a friendly reminder to his fellow Muslims, what their Allah is all about. It brings together all of Allah's 99 attributes and doesn't discriminate, because it shows these attributes in different superheroes throughout 99 countries in the world. It also works as an entertaining comic about universal attributes since it doesn't talk about the Islam religion, it just shows the good in it.
Amy Yang
Period 5
I think the the video was very interesting. And i believe it will draw a lot of attention. I like the idea of expressing point of views through comics, thay wawy, it makes it more interesting.
Nathan Sims
Period 5
While in the United States movie goers have shelled out millions to see Spider Man 3, a new comic book has arisen, titled “99”. This comic does not mention Islam directly, but instead, references Islamic culture in it’s back-story. This comic book may be seen as an attempt to change the world’s view on Islamic culture in a positive manner. In the 99, each character possesses a specific power. For example, one character’s power is brute strength and muscle, while another’s is light and intelligence.
I believe that this new comic will succeed due to it’s interesting Islamic influence, as well as the proof of it’s already gained success in the video, seen when he speaks of his incoming emails. From this comic, I believe one may learn about the rich Islamic values, as well as it’s peaceful view flawed by the intense situation in today’s world.
Hunter Maerz
Period 4
I found that "The 99" comic book video was very interesting. I think that it is cool how they used their islamic religion as the basis of all the characters and the comic itself. They used 99 attributes that are believed in by Muslims and transformed them into super powers which was a really smart idea to show the good things about their religion in a fun way especially because there are so many negative thoughts when it comes to Islam.
Nick Gordon
Period 7
"The 99" looks like a pretty interisting comic book. Because the heroes in the comic face different problems than heroes such as Superman or Batman, it could become a success because people would not have read anything like it before.
Max Breitkreutz
Period 4
The comic book "The 99" focuses on Islamic values and culture. Each of the heroes embodies one of the many characteristics of the Islamic religion. Our society has a bad perception of the religion and maybe more things will help open us up to it. But it is not going to happen overnight and I hope eventually we do become more tolerant of Islam.
Hadley Rosenbaum
Period 4
The comic book "the 99" is about 99 different countries that believe in islam, with each person representing a country. Each character also carries a trait that has been turned into a super power based off of the islamic beliefs. I feel like these superheroes can and will be accepted into the american society because they are no different than any of the superheroes we have or watch movies about. Just because they are based off a religion doesn't mean viewing or reading about these characters means we have to believe in the religion of Islam. From this point of view, i have learned that in the religion of Islam there are many expectations for the people that live by the religion. For example all of the attributes going into making these superheroes are supposed to be done in everyday life.
Carly Christian
Period 7
I think that "The 99" is an outstanding way to spread the real morals of Islam throughout the world. People all over, especially Americans, have such a negative view on the Islamic culture. Feedback to the creator of "The 99" has already shown that people all over the world, including the United States, have taken interest in the books. Hopefully they'll get a true understanding of Islam, as well as enjoy an exciting story.
Heidi Jeong - pd.7
I like how there are valuable lessons taught through these comic books. Also, I like how they include teachings on Islamic culture. For example, these comics teach the 99 attributes of Allah, the one god in the Islam culture. The readers not only get entertainment from these comic books but also recieve an education on Islamic culture! :D
Devin Gannon
Period 7
The comic book "The 99" seems like it would be something good to see come from the middle east. It would show others how islams worship and some of their culture. The superheros would show how everyone is different and has different strenghts and weaknesses.
Jhn Files
Period 4
I am not Muslim, but I still think that a religion based comic like The 99, is a good idea. A child having role models, in a comic or not, that teach and influence him positively about his religion is never bad.
Amy Guerra- Pd 4
The 99 comic book is about 99 superheroes from 99 different countries. They each possess a different power, such as the power to assemble anything out of anything, and the power of light and strength. Each of these powers represents one of the 99 attributes of Allah, the Islamic God. This comic book is designed to teach people all over the world about Islam, such as how they view their God and his attributes. I think this will be a successful comic book because it has fun superheroes, and it can also teach you about the Islamic religion.
Julian Keys
Period 4
I think The 99 is a very extraordinary comic book. The title represents Allah, because Allah has 99 attributes. The back stories are based on Islamic culture. Each hero symbolizes one of Allah’s traits. The 99 heroes are from 99 countries. This comic is very different from our comics because none of our comics included religion.
Taylor Lentz
period 7
In this video i thought that the whole concept of the 99 heroes from 99 countries was a great idea. Not only was it drawing people in from all over the world but teaching people about Islam. The world today doesn't know that much about the religion as it is but now that this comic is released people will start to learn. Hearing this it makes me want to read this comic myself. The statement that the man makes is from spiderman: "with great power comes great responsibility" he is right. Not only is it a message in the christian world but also in every other religion too.
Derek Gallo
period 7
The 99 isn't a bad idea. It's a great idea on how to spread Islamic culture and beliefs into our society. It's a great concept but it has its downs as well as ups. For instance, will the storyline be too complex by the introduction of the 99th character, and is it going to get popular enough so that people want to read that many comics based on Islam? Would the comics involve any violence, because that's a factor the creators need to think about. People want some action and excitement and in comics that tends to come from fighting. Maybe that would go against some aspects of the religion. This comic could be as famous as the bible man tv show was,which isn't that famous ( http://www.bibleman.com/ ). So what I'd like to know is whether this guy's comics will draw enough attention and spread enough knowledge of Islam around to our culture and to other cultures.
Alex Braunschek
Period 5
The comic "The 99" is a comic book that isn't directly about Islamic tradition but it's background is based on Islamic culture. The heroes are based on the 99 attributes of Allah. I think these comics will be accepted around the world because its a different way to learn Islamic tradition.
Randi Spitko
Period 5
I think that this idea of incorporating a comic strip, something that people will read and relate to and understand better than say an article they read from a newspaper, to the Islamic culture and beliefs. This way children and adults alike, have a comic strip that they can read and it is based on their religious beliefs and Allah. I also like how they related and made a superhero for each of the 99 characteristics that Allah has. Some of these are generosity, strength, wisdom, foresight, mercy and many other qualities that their main god, Allah, has.
I think that not only does this comic strip relate to the Islamic religion itself, but people here in the United States would like to hear about and read these comics as well. Here, we hear about the Iraq war and negative things everyday, and for a change people would like to hear about better, positive things like their main god and his amazing attributes he possesses. This comic strip could be very successful when/if published.
Jasmine Goodwin
Period 5
I enjoyed this video featuring the "99" comics. I thought it was interesting how they turned these characters into something that children can learn from. Each of the 99 characters are from different countries.This gives it a great worldwide aspect.The "99" can teach you all about the Islamic culture.Especially since each hero has a trait from their god Allah.I feel that In America with our favorite superheroes there isn't a broad diversity.I feel these islamic superheroes are great role models and carry the powers that any average person would love.
Joe Cirigliano
Pd 7
The purpose of the 99 comic books are to show how the religion works and what the ideas are of the religion. Mercy, generosity, wisom, and strength are the traits and the characters. These comics are very good to spread the ideas of islam, I feel that the world will look at islam in a new way. But this still doesn't change my opinion on the religion of islam
Michelle Ratka
Pd. 7
This was a riveting video about the Islamic culture, which the comic "99 superheroes" is based on. It is an interesting way to teach youth about Islamic culture. It shows 99 traits of Allah which is something every Islamic child should learn about so they cam be moral people and live a happy life. Their message about being a good person is a universal message which I believe everyone should learn, Islamic or not. I believe that this was a great video about a good comic with amazing morals.
Brian Lee
Period 7
This reminds me of Marvel Comics, except people have different powers that are based on Islamic culture instead of miracles. It's pretty cool that they made powers out of attributes of Allah. This is an interesting and fun way to know about Islam. It also shows that they aren't that much different from us and how we live in America. Their traits are morally right and can be looked up to by others to be a good person in the Islamic point of view.
I thought that this clip about the 99 comic book was very interesting. I liked how the author of these comics created a more interesting way to learn about Islamic culture and faith. The 99 are the superheroes of the comic and each superhero comes from a different country and possesses a trait of Allah. The comic doesnt directly mention the Islamic faith although it is clearly the message of the books. I think this is a good way to spread a positive message about Islamic culture and faith, because many bad things have been said and spread about it. The comic teaches lessons from the cultures of each of the 99 and has an overall positive effect.
-Juliet Montefusco
Kelsey Hughes- pd. 7
I think this is really great way for people to learn about Islam. It's a good method for younger muslims to learn about their religion and also for people who dont follow Islam to learn more about it. It can help to break away from stereotypes we have towards muslims that are not neccessarily true. Also, it seems to have a great entertainment factor, even those who dont care to learn about Islam could read it and enjoy and not even know it's about islamic beliefs.
Talya Greenblatt
Pd. 4
The comic book, "The 99" seems to have stired an interest from people around the world. I believe that the comic book is a great way to connect Islam and the rest of the world with people of all ages. The comic book about the superheros also sheds a good light on Islam and the Middle East.
I believe that this is a fun way for people to learn about Islam.
Andrew Olenski
Period 5
"The 99" is a comic about Islamic culture and traditions. It is interesting to see how they combine their religion and comic books to create a new form of portraying their message. Each superhero has a super power with an attribute of Allah, a different way of teaching religion.
Period 5
I think the point of "The 99" series is to show people who might be unfamiliar or apprehensive about Islam that,at it's core, Islam is really not all that different from Christianity or Judaism. Like the guy in the video said, these are universals values. The difference comes from how each religion tries to express these values. A comic book is a good medium to explain this concept to a new generation.
Phalon B. Thornhill
Pd 5
This clip on the 99 was very interesting. It is sad that all America really hears about the ME is about the war, 9/11, and Osama Bin Laden ( I think that's how you spell it). The Middle East has a culture, and traits , and children who like to read comics as much as Americans do.
What the creator of 99 said was very correct when he stated that American comics (ex: Spiderman) have worthwhile morals to them , as does 99. The 99 superheroes- from 99 different countries- all have 99 different admirable traits to them. I am an Otaku, which -in Japan- is a fun loving, computer whiz, comic reader. If that was a comic I could get my hands on, I'd so read it. The morals are great, the characters look amazing, and it remind the world that everyone is different, yet so alike!
I think that The 99 would be a popular comic series. The series also shows some of the beliefs of Islam and it' culture just like american comic book heros. I think the Super heros in The 99 share many traits ad morals as other comics book heros like Batman, The Fantastic 4,X-Men, and many others.
Sean Fennell
Period 4
In my opinion on the video is that it is very interesting how the comic book "99 superheros" ties in religion with popular culture. I beleive it is a good way to get the overall meaning of religion to a younger audience. Each superhero has a different trait that they must use to help others.
The 99 is a comic from the middle east with islam values and lessons inside it. The characters posses powers based on certain teachings of islam but the characters back stories aren't directly related to the religion but have little references and such. I think this is a pretty good idea the comic looks interseting and it looks really fun and it can help educate people from foreign countries about islam.
Kyle Lee
Period 7
Hannah Comins
period 4
The writers of "The 99" are trying to help Westerners to better understand the Islamic religion. They are showing that their religion is not weird or strange, and that their values are the same as most other religions. Their morals are universal concepts. They use 99 different heroes to show the 99 traits they belive that Allah posseses. Each character is from a different country, showing that the traits are universal.
Niki Fedorowicz
Period 7
In the comic book "The 99", Each of the 99 superheros represents the 99 countries and each of heir superpowers is an Islamic trait. It is a way of spreading the Islamic culture to different countries, and to show that the beliefs have "universal meaning." I think that this comic book will be accepted to many countries, and that it allows people to learn about the Islamic Cluture in a fun way.
Carolyn DeLucas Pd. 5
I think it's great that Muslims can teach about their religoin in comic book form. It really does look interesting to read about.
Maureen Bowler pr-4 (absent)
The comic book "The 99" is based on but does not directly reference the Islamic religion and its values. I believe that this comic sends a positive message about the Islamic faith and Muslims who, especially with the US's conflict with the Middle East, are viewed negatively.I think a comic like this will also make children of the Islamic faith feel better about their religion.
Julia Piotrowski : Period 7
In the Middle East, there is a growing popular comic book called "The 99." There are 99 heroes who each possess a different super power. I view the comic book as a positive thing. You can learn many good things from this comic book. i would very much so be interested to hear more about this, a comic book about Islamic culture... how original.
Jennifer Bender
period 4
My opinion on the "99 Superheroes" is that, I think it's good that Americans and people from all over the world are looking at Islamic comics. The comic is based off of Islamic culture and traditions. All of the characters are based off of Islamic religion. It's important for other religions and other countries to learn and know about Islam.
Brady Knight, period 7
"The 99" is a new superhero comic book series designed to teach audiences who know little about Islam more about the religion. The titular 99 are a group of normal people from different countries each given a unique superpower by a magical stone. These powers are based on the 99 characteristics of God as taught by the Quran. I believe this comic will be accepted widely by both Muslims and non-Muslims: the former will enjoy seeing beliefs they agree with expressed in such a format, and the latter will appreciate the action that is prevalent in superhero comics. From this comic, one can learn more about the God that Muslims worship, as well as the morals they follow.
Steve Woll P:5 (Sent to AHS Mail 11/18)
The 99 are muslim based superheroes that relate to the whole world. All the characters have the abilities that Allah has. The 99 represents Allah's abilities. They ae ment to be like any other superhero comic. Also each caracter is from a diffeent country, there are 99. It was interesting to see how they can relate to the whole globe and not just muslims
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