A Veiled Debate -
Blog Response to the statement: "In an age of terrorism and Islamic extremism, it is within a democratic government's right to outlaw certain Muslim garments in public."
As of 7 PM, Wednesday + 4 PM Saturday + 1PM Sunday + 4:30PM + 6:30PM + Monday 5:30 AM
Agree - 1 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 2 +3 = 17
Disagree - 5 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 4 + 7 + 2 = 34
As of 7 PM, Wednesday + 4 PM Saturday + 1PM Sunday + 4:30PM + 6:30PM + Monday 5:30 AM
Agree - 1 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 2 +3 = 17
Disagree - 5 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 4 + 7 + 2 = 34
Lupo Zeneli
Period 6
I think that immigrants should be assiimlated before coming into the country so they can learn how the system here works and so they know what to do. Religious freedom should be unlimited in America, but i think that it would be better if the government had a limit on it because religion is one of the main reasons why people fight. A country would want its immigrants to assimilate, but the they also want them to join there religion.
Shane McDevitt - pd. 5
I agree with the statement because many terrorists could hide their faces and never be caught. Democratic governments should be able to ban certain Muslim garments because Muslim should follow our rules if they are in different countries, just like we have to follow theirs in the Middle East.
Brian Lee
-I don't think it is right to ban traditional garment just because of a stereotypes extremists are making. I can see why people would do that because they are probably scared and don't want to risk getting attacked again. If an American wasn't allowed to celebrate Christmas or Thanksgiving just because there American terrorists wouldn't be fair at all. They should outlaw garments that aren't part of a culture. It is only fair if you allow a culture that been out for a really long time. Plus it would be discriminating others, which also isn't right.
I disagree with this statement. I do not believe that it is up to the government if a person should be allowed to wear a certain garment. No matter how bad something like terrorism is, it should still be the person's choice if they want to wear the garment or not. Terrorism has nothing to do with the muslim religion and covering oneself.
-Danielle Strauss
Period Seven
Randi Spitko
Period 5
This statement is saying that because of the terrorism that is apparent today and the regards towards Islam, it is okay with the government to not allow certain Muslim clothing in public. I think that that statement is totally wrong and should not be allowed. People have their own rights, and one of them is their freedom of speech, and they can speak with their clothing. Just because their clothing is "different" from ours and covers their body, I do not think that it is fair at all to make that illegal or such. The garments that they wear is a big part of their religion and what they believe in and I think that if they want to clothe themselves like that, they should be allowed to wear whatever they want. It would outrage me if someone told me that I couldn't wear what I wanted, just because it is "associated" with terrorism or something to that extent. I completely disagree with this statement.
Amanda Kida
Period 7
I disagree that it is within a democratic government's right to outlaw certain Muslim garments in public. The Islamic followers should be able to choose whether or not to show their religion by what they are wearing. It is ridiculous if a country restricts a simple thing like clothes that symbolize a religion. I can understand why there would be precautions taken because of Islamic extremism, but it just isn't fair if a country sees everybody who wears Muslim garments as a terrorist. It has turned into a stereotype. When people see a woman or man dressed in Muslim garments, they see a terrorist holding a gun, but i feel that some need to be given some slack because they are not all terrorists. Therefore, i believe that the government should not be able to outlaw Muslim garments in public.
Michelle Ratka
Period 7
I completely disagree with the statement. I think that people should be able to wear what ever it is that their religion says to wear. I also think that it is wrong of the government to do this because it is taking away the freedom to express their religion in the way they choose.
Steve Woll Pd 5
Before coming to this country or another country, no matter who you are, you should know the norms of their society. We all need to respect each other's culture and religous beliefs, but in a way that is exceptable in in someone's area. I agree with this statement because if a muslim comes to the U.S. they need to respect our norms just like if we went to where they live, and if those Muslims don't like it go back to where they came from and why would they need to move anyway? But, that is just my opinion.
Jenna Im- Pd.4
I strongly disagree with the statement because governments do not have rights to tell muslims not to wear their garments. Muslim garments represents their religion and it is the biggest part of their religion. Also, since muslims wore their garments ever since they were born, not wearing them may cause them to feel a little awkward. Not allowing muslims to wear their garments are basically telling them to stop being a muslim.
Renee Tornea - Period 7
I disagree with the statement. I think that the government should have no say in how people want to live their lives and express their religion. It is their choice to wear a religious garment and practice their religion. I can understand why the government would ban that since this is an age of terrorism and Islamic extremism, but Muslims should be entitled to wear religious garments if that is the lifestyle that they chose to live and if their religion requires them to wear them.
kelsey hughes, period 7
For some things, I could see why wearing a niqab would be banned for things like the drivers license, etc. However, I feel that it's wrong for some other cases, like the teacher who was banned from her school for wearing one. In the same respect, I can also see the problems with them, because the rule of public schools here in the U.S. is that they are not allowed to share their religious/political beliefs. I wonder if teachers are allowed to wear one if they were muslim? Also, I can see how the niqab can mean not only eqaulity for women, but also segregation. Either way, I do not feel as if this is a matter for the french government to decide.
Sean Lawrence
Period 7
I think it is wrong that America is trying to assimilate its immigrants. We call ourselves a melting-pot. However how can we call America a melting-pot if we are constantly trying to make everybody the same. Instead of teaching immigrants how to act more "American", we should be teaching Americans how to be more accepting of other cultures.
Emily Towey
Pd 4
I completly agree with this statement. Wearing garmets that cover your face cover who you really are. Although this should be allowed in religious places and homes it shouldn't be in public. Religious freedom Should be allowed in America as it is our right but in public it could be used as a mask in a way. For example a person could get a fake id and just wear a veil. Also crimes could be done wearing a veil and no one would know who did it. Therefore the government has every right to place laws on and garmet wheter religious or not that hides your identity.
Joe Hegerich
Pd. 5
I disagree with the statement because not all Muslim people are terrorists, so they should not all be forced to show their faces when it goes against their religion. I think that if the U.S. were to force people to show their faces, they should force everyone to do so, not just Muslims. However, I think it would be extremely unnecessary to force people to show their faces unless identification is needed. Like, if somebody is walking on the street, they shouldn't have to show their face. But, if they're having their driver's license picture taken, they should have to show their face.
Jennifer Bender
Period 4
I disagree with this statement. I think that immigrants should be able to practice and wear whatever they like to as long as it doesn't harm anyone else. If the persons religion or outfit starts problems then I think the government can come in but other wise if they aren't bothering anyone then they should be left alone.
Amy Yang
Period: 5
I disagree with the statement because i think people should wear whatever they want. And I think the government should allow people to have the freedom to express or represent their religion.
I disagree with the statement because I think that it would be up to the people not the democratic government how the Muslims wear there clothes. If they want to be covered up thats there choice but if they choose not to it should be up to them because they are free people. They need to choose things for themselves. Even though it is what they are implied to be wearing in respect to religion. They should still be able to choose.
Alison Kenny P.D.4
Julian Keys
Period 4
I agree with this statement. I agree because a lot of conflicts and disputes happen today. Most Americans look at a Muslim wearing their garments like they are a terrorist. That could lead to a fight or something worst. My point is that people should practice their religion at home, or at a religious place, and not in public.
Heidi Jeong-pd.7
I agree with this statement because criminals and terrorists could use these Muslim veils, while committing a crime, to hide their faces in order to not get caught. Although the United States is in some way going against their own amendment of freedom of religion, they are doing it for a good cause: to keep their American citizens safe from harm.
Carly Christian
Period 7
I very much disagree with this statement. Especially in America, which prides itself on being the country of freedom and a melting pot, a ban on what someone should wear is totally disregarding everything the country stands for. Although some situations require some changes in our society, such as the situation with the driver's license picture in Florida, i think that an outright ban in unacceptable. It is currently an age of terrorism, but forcing someone to wear what a country wants is not going to help the situation at all. There is no law in the US about what to wear, and to start enforcing one is, in my opinion, wrong.
Julia Piotrowski : Period 7
I do agree with that statement. If your choosing to come live in a new country, you are choosing to accept their rules. If those rules take part in being against your religion and you don't like it, then don't move to that country. Democratic governments should be allowed to ban certain things.
Jake Randazzo
Period 7
I partially agree with the statement. While all people in America should have the freedom to wear whatever they wish for religious purposes, a terrorist could hide his/her face in the cloak. I do think that if a person chooses to wear a veil, they should know that they could be suspected of being a terrorist, but veils should not be outlawed.
Allie Naughton Pd:4
I completely disagree with this statement. It is not the governments decision to band people from wearing what they want. If the Muslims are wearing these clothes and head peices to support their religion or to express themselves that is their choice, and a freedom that they possess. The government has no authority to ban these things even if they think it will help stop terrorism somehow.
Hannah Comins
Period 4
I disagree with this statement because, especially in this counrty, religious freedom is allowed. Not allowing certain religions to practice parts of their religion is taking that away from them. Also, wearing certain clothing does not put anybody in danger. It's just part of the religion.
Talya Greenblatt
Period 4
I think that people around the world would feel safer if Muslims were not allowed to wear their garments in public, but I believe that they have every right to wear their garments. What the government asks of the Islamic people if basically for them not to follow their faith in public and in the United States, we always state how we have the freedom of religion. In the end, I greatly disagree with the statement presented.
Ryan Woerner
Period 4
I disagree with this statement because you should not be told that you cant wear religious garments in public when they are traditional. In some cases, like when taking photos for drivers licenses or identification cards in general, i think you should be required to remove it, if it is concealing your face. They are used to wearing the garments, and taking them off could go against their beliefs, and make them feel out of place among other Muslims.
Marissa Jones
Period 5
I disagree with the statement. I think people should be able to wear their traditional garments to show their culture and religion. It doesn't mean their terrorists. I think countries need to stop putting people into different stereotypes. I do believe that people should be able to wear whatever they want in different countries and that it is wrong for a goverment to control religion. But i do think that when a person comes to a new country they should become more familiar with the norms of that culture to prevent any misunderstandings. That doesn't mean that they have to change completely, but that they only have to become aware of the opinions of the surrounding public.
Nadia Korsun
Period 7
I think that immigrants should be required to assimilate so that they know what the country that they're living in is about. But also they should still be able to pratice their owen religion. If religions don't invlove sacrifice, then religious freedoms should be unlimited. People should be able to practice what they want. Immigrants should be able to practice their own customs without bringing harm to anyone. British governments are banning people from the tiniest things that people should be able to do.
Jasmine Goodwin
Period 5
I agree with this statement completely.Immigrants should conform when it comes to external garments due to all the terrorism America faces today.Without the typical Muslim garment Americans are more aware of their surroundings, therefore feel safe in their surrounding enviroments.The Muslim garments covers all key features you may need to pay attention to if you had to recall their apperance. Meaning if something were to happend you wouldn't be able to make a desciption because the incognito appearance they portray.
Amy Guerra - period 4
I think that Muslims should be allowed to wear certain religious garments in public, because it's part of their religion and culture. The U.S. is a melting pot of many different cultures and we shouldn't deny certain people religious rights and grant other people religious rights. Banning certain Muslim garments would be stereotypical, and we should be accepting of other cultures. That is part of being an American.
thomas wilder
period 5
in my opinion, immigrants should be aware of, and respect local cultures in America, but should also be allowed to practice whatever religion they choose, as long as the practices of that religion do not breaks laws of the U.S. So i do not believe that the united states should be permitted to outlaw certain muslim garments in public, because that would go against their rights as an American. The main point of America was and still is religious freedom
Jackie Boyd
Period 5
I disagree with this statement. I think that Muslims should be able to practice their religion and wear whatever garments they believe they should wear. I think they should be allowed to wear them at all times as long as they're not causing harm or posing a threat to anyone. Its what they believe in, and you cant take that away from them.
Jason Haug Pd. 4
I agree with this statement that the democratic governments should be able to ban muslims garments because some terrorists can wear them on their faces making people unable to recognize them. If they were in our country they have a right to follow ours rules. It would be the same the other way if we were in their country. We would have to follow their rules. The government has a right because we have to make precautions on terrism since it has happened in the past.
chynna west- period 5
I don't think it is right for a government to outlaw clothing of a certain religion from their country because of terroism and Islamic extremism. That shows how sterotyping can effect people who have nothing to do with the problem. If someone wearing those clothes can't live in piece because of their religion I think that's wrong. Those innocent people have nothing to do with terroist groups such as Al Qaada. Yes people in a different country might be afraid of what those people might do but a person dressing in their regilious clothing shouldn't be reprimanded for trying to live their lives.
Stanley Taylor
Period 4
I do not agree with the statement. I think the statement is not even rational by my point of view. Immigrants should be able to wear what ever they want, in terms of religious means. Who is the government to say what people can and cannot wear? They dishonor the fact that they chose to wear garments in this terrorist crises. Not all Muslims are extremist. They just simply want to honor there religion and the government has no right to take that from them.
Breeana Darden
Period 7
I dissagree with this statement. I dont think that the government has any business telling people what they should wear and what they shouldnt wear. Especially if it is specifically directed to Muslims. What about everyone else walking around with their religous clothing, or jewelry? The only reason the government would want to outlaw Muslims garments would be to see their faces to help them solve crimes... We see plenty of peoples faces everyday and crimes still occur... problems are still unsolved... I think that people should just mind their business and try solving a real problem.
Hunter Maerz
Period 4
I agree with this quote because if they are coming over to our country to live here and we have a problem with their clothing choice then they should have to abide to our rules. Some of the garments they wear allow them to hide their face completely which could be a problem because you couldn't identify them and it could help terrorists get away easier.
Roman Rosales
period 7
I disagree with this statement. I believe that you should be allowed to wear whatever it is you feel like wearing. I also believe that it should be the right of a policeman to search you even if you are not doing any suspicious activity.
Devin Gannon
Period 7
I disagree with the statement. It is wrong to not let people express themselves the way that they want to. So what is its religious or not, you still should be aloud to be yourself. Wearing a niqab should be unacceptable in some cases, like a drivers lisence picture, but for other things it should be completly accepted.
I some what disagree with the statement and then I also agree with the statement. If the type of clothing or garment that a person of a Islamic faith wears is offensive towards the public then it should be advised by the government in a way. They should however still have there pride and freedom to express themselves how they choose. So it is important to depending on how it would effect citizens or public if the democratic government has the right to outlaw garments worn.
-Freddie Reichel Period 4
I disagree with this statement. A Muslim person should have their own say in whether or not they want to wear certain garments. As long as they are causing no harm, the government should not have a say in what a certain religion wears. They should be allowed to practice their religion freely in that way.
Niki Fedorowicz
period 7
Tyler Conroy
Pd. 7
I agree with that statment because it is for the safety of the countries citizens. In some cases this statment is completely true. If a muslim is taking an ID or drivers liscense photo then they should have to take their religious garments off. If their faces are covered then it could be anyone underneath the garments. Muslims should have to follow our countries rules because they are like visitors in our country. They are the same rules that everyone would have to follow.
Max Breitkreutz
Period 4
I agree in the large part with this statement. I believe the government has the right to force someone to wear different clothes if they are a supposed threat to the people around them. Obviously this would have to be done in a case by case basis which would make it difficult. America is about freedom of religion and speech and I believe we have to keep those values at the front point, but there are extreme cases that need to be scrutinized more.
Nathan Sims
Period 5
I completely agree with this statment. The fact of the matter is, after the September 11th attacks, the Islamic world has been seen as an enemy in America. Things have only been made worse and worse after the constant attacks that have taken place around the world. To the majority of Americans, a Muslim just cannot be seen as a worshiper of Allah.
This hatred can exceed a general dislike, and a Muslim with traditional wear can be seen as an enemy in public, and it's a very high possibility someone can be hurt.
For this reason, i believe a government reserves the right to outlaw a certain religion- not because of an opposition to religion freedom, but for their own safety.
Hadley Rosenbaum
Period 4
I disagree with this statement. I don't think that it is the governments decision as to whether people are allowed to wear their own religions garments. It wouldn't happen to any other widespread religion like christianity if people were asked not to go to church anymore. Terrorism has nothing to do with the muslim religion and covering oneself.No matter how bad something like terrorism is, it should still be the person's choice if they want to wear the garment or not.
I do not agree with this statment. People should have the right to choose what they wear. The government should not have the choice to ban traditional garments. Terrorism has became a big issue in our country, however you would be stereotypeing all Islamic people if you were to make them all assimlate. The outfits they wear are very religious and i feel like you can't take that away from them. I dissagree with this statement.
Chelsea Dyjak pd. 4
Jacob Miller-Sobel
Period 7
I do not feel that it is right for a country to force a citizen to stop religious practices that don't hurt anyone. It is these woman's choice to where there religious garb.For a country to deny citizenship as a consequence is wrong. However, on the other hand why would a person want to be a citizen in a country where such laws are in effect? Also countries like this mussed be watched so that a genocide will not be a result.
Emily Geliebter
Period 5
I believe that governments should not be able to tell people what they can or cannot wear. What people wear is their own choice and it is prejudice to think that because they wear certain clothes they must be terrorists. Traditional ways and ideas to some people are more important than anything else. For the government to tell them they can't follow these traditions would be wrong.
Chris Finestone
Period 7
I disagree with this proposal, that governments should allow a ban of Muslim garments, because we have the right of free speech, and expression, so we should be allowed to wear whatever we want. besides that, it is also quite fascist to do this too! No government should ever ban any type of clothing.
Period 4
I think that people should be allowed to wear what they want. What muslum people wear is a part of their religion and all people have a right to religious freedom. With all the metal detectors and secrurity things now I don't see how it would be a problem.
5th Period
First, who decided this is an "age of terrorism". Just because there have been a few high profile attacks does not mean you can just stamp that label on an entire era. I wouldn't call the 1910's the "Age of the Titanic sinking."
Even if it was though, can we really take away peoples rights just to fight "terrorism". Is that really an effective technique? Discrimination like that is the reason muslim extremists hate us (i.e westerners) in the first place. Muslim garments are not the reasons Osama Bin Laden flew airplanes into the World Trade Center. Discrimination, such as outlawing the garments, is not going to stop terrorism. It is, however, going to disenfracnhise and anger alot of people who just want to practice their faith in peace.
Carolyn DeLucas
pd 5
I disagree with this statement because I believe that everyone should be able to express their ethnicity and religious beliefs. Isn't that what America is about?
I agree fully with this statement
the government should be able to do whatever they want as long s it's for the good of the majority. The muslims and other immigrants must assimilate and follow the laws of any country they go into because they are a guest in said country. When you go over to another persons house do you just walk in and do whatever you want or do you follow the rules of the person who owns the house? Lastly if a immigrant comes to a country and applies for citizenship he or she must be fully prepared to give up at the very least a little bit of their original heritage by applying for that citizenship you are no longer who you once were but a new citizen of that country. So to sum it up i agree that the government should be able to control what people wear and can't wear.
Kyle Lee
Period 7
John Files
Period 4
I don't agree with this statemant. I think it is not right for people to have to assimilate to become citezens. The U.S. is a melting pot and has always been that way. It shouldn't change, and neither should any people who want to coma and live here. If muslims want to wear their religious garb, practice, and respect their ways that should be allowed. No one should need to assimilate to be a citezen here.
Taylor Lentz
period 7
I don't think that it is right for someone to tell you that you couldn't express your religion. i wouldn't like it if someone told me that. I think that people of different ethnicities and religions should adapt to our culture but still be able to have their own. They should be able to express who they are. I am me and i express myself, so why can't they?
nik jarkowsky
period 7.
i think that some religious garments should be banned. with everything that is going on in the world with terrorism, identity is a major issue.if some one has a passport or a drivers lisence photo taken with a viel on no one can tell who is under ther, it is impossible to id the person, i think that some things should be banned due to the security crisis in the world!
Christina Geating
Period 5
I disagree with this statement, because that would take away from their religious freedom rights. Also we shouldn't stereotype all Muslims as extremists. Yes there are some, and they may use those garments to hide their identity and or weapons. But i don't think it is right to ban the whole religion from wearing them because of those few. I think that the government should be allowed to be able to check their identity though if they need to, even if that means them having to lift up their veil. But I don't think they should be able to ban it all together.
Phalon Thornhill
Period 5
I feel that it's unfair for someone to have to change themselves to move into a country. If a woman is proud of her heritage than she should be allowed to be so. If the world allows such judjemental behavior to occur, then what will be next? The Jewish cannot wear religous headgear? African's cannot wear their country's garb? The Japanese cannot wear their kimonos? America (the melting pot) should at lest allow freedom of expression, because isn't that what the pilgims came here for?
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