Read “Darfur: The Genocide Continues” and “Never Again, for Real”
- Write a Blog Response to “Never Again, for Real”. . .
- which addresses the sub-title of the article – President Obama should make preventing genocide a national priority”.
- In your blog response be sure to tell me who the authors are and what positions/jobs they have held which make them qualified to express their point of view on why they believe “. . . President Obama should make preventing genocide a national priority”. **Listen to the New Female Avatar on the left for a message.
- Do you agree or disagree with the writer’s of this article? State/explain your point of view in your blog response.
- Complete the blog response before March 18(Wednesday)
- Bonus Points given the earlier you finish the blog response.
- This written assignment counts toward your Africa Test Grade
Shane McDevitt -- pd.5
The article, "Never Again, For Real," was written by Madeleine K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen. They have been columnists for the New York Times (for many years) who specialize in creating opinions and using the facts to support their POV.
I definetelyy agree with the writers of the article. Even though we have a terrible economy problem in our own country, genocide could eventually undermine American's security. Genocide causes problems for the troubled country and people because it has everlasting problems, including permanent instability. Recognizing the early signs of a genocide is the first step to prevent these mass killings in the future, while stressing the importance of eliminating the eradicators.
Jason Haug
Period 4
The authors of the article "Never Again, for Real" are Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen. The position of these two authors are coloumnists for a newspaper. They use facts in order to support their point of view in this article. I agree with this article that Barack Obama should prevent genocide because since genocide occurs in weak states, thats where terrorism is sometimes found. Therefore we can prevent terrorism as well. In my point of view, stopping genocide in unstable countries will not only help reducing the deaths but also preventing terrorism.
Brian Lee-
Period 7
The author of this article "Never again, for Real" are Madeleine K. Albright & William S. Cohen. They probably were reporters that went to Africa and saw this. I'm guessing this because their past positions aren't mentioned in the story. They have the rights to have strong opinions because they have seen it up close and how bad it is and Obama didn't.I don't agree with the authors, Madeleine K. Albright & William S. Cohen, making preventing genocide a top prioriety for Obama because America already has a lot problems right now. It would be troublesome for Obama to deal with something not affecting us directly. We should watch and try to control genocide, so it doesn't get worse.
Thomas Wilder per. 5
The article, "Never Again, for Real" was written by Madeleine K. Albright & William S. Cohen. They are qualified by their job as the American public in general to state that they believe president Obama should be making preventing genocide a national priority. I agree with Madeleine and William but I do not believe that military action should be taken. I believe that the early signs of things such as genocide should be made recognizable so the leaders of the area about to experience genocide can be alerted and possibley helped through the situation.
Carly Christian
Period 7
"Never Again, for Real" was written by Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen. Albright was appointed to Senate and was the first female Secretary of State. This huge role in foreign affairs gives her a leg up in understanding the current world situation. Cohen served as the Secretary of Defense while Albright held the position of Secretary of State. Because of Cohen's familiarity with the subject of the military, the claims in this article about military action needed to occur to end the genocide is bolstered by sound opinion.
I completely agree that President Obama should make preventing genocide a national priority. The fact that the United Nations took an oath to end genocide more than half a century ago and still sits and watches as it occurs everyday in Darfur is, to me, a sign of impassivity. The American government raves about rising to the top of powerful and respected nations in the world, but, as Albright and Cohen said, it is far from respectable to watch innocent people die everyday when there is something that can be done such as military intervention. Although this intervention can be seen as immoral, it is far less immoral than observing genocide and not taking any action. Not only that, but letting genocide occur puts America in danger through the ripple effects that the tension can have. Starting in Darfur, refugees, some meaning well and others angry at the idleness of countries, flee to countries throughout the world, resulting in an expense for America. A major roadblock in stopping the genocide is our recession, but I think that the prospect of further costs appearing if we DON'T stop genocide should inspire citizens to take a stand on playing a role in the end of the killing in Darfur.
With such honorable opinions as Albright's and Cohen's supporting an aggressive end to genocide and the laziness of the United States, I agree that because there is something that can be done to stop the horrible occurrences in Darfur, we, as a powerful and resourceful country, must do it.
In the article Never Again, for Real the author Madeleine K. Albright & Williams S. Cohen express there opinion on wither or not president Obama should prevent the genocide to a national priority.
I do agree that it needs to be recognized and something needs to be done. There are many states becoming weak and chaotic. It leaves behind a lot of pieces to pick up for the states that it happens and for all of the bordering countries all over the world.
Waiting is not the best thing to do right now especially since things are in very hard times. It is important to detect the signs first to put the genocide to a end. There will need to be the help from Obama to end the crisis.
Alison Kenny
Period 4
Devin Gannon
period 7
I feel there are many reasons for obama to make preventing genocide a national priority. First of all it would make the earth safer without genocide, and many people would be happier because it would be one step closer to peace on earth. Obama also has a lot of power and he can put a stop to genocide. Not having to worry about killings and all the effects that genocide have on the world would give everyone more time to focus on the more important things in life, like friends and family.
Christina Geating
Period 5
I agree with this statement, which was written by, Madeleine K. Albright, former secretary of State and U.S ambassador to the United Nations and now a member of the council of Foreign Relations and William S. Cohen, former Secretary of Defense, Senator and Representative. I think President Obama should take more action in preventing and stopping genocides around the world. The United States is one of the world’s superpowers and it has one of the strongest militaries, so we should use our powers to help others. Yes it may not be “an idealistic addition to our core foreign–policy agenda,” but it is a “moral and strategic imperative,” as the writers of this articles would say. We may not all live where these genocides take place, which could be the reason many of us don’t care about them, but we all live in the same world and in the long end what we all do has an effect on the rest of the world. So we need to take action before we are noted as a superpower bystander to genocide.
Carolyn DeLucas
Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen, being columnists, have every right to express their point of view because that's what they write for. It's their job to express opinions and concerns and try to get other people to think the same way about them. I know they got me thinking that Obama needs to prevent genocide, that's for sure. Genocide is against every moral I have, so it's only natual that I agree. I know Obama is trying to deal with a lot of other problems, but preventing genocide needs to be one of them. The U.S. can't just stand back and watch when genocide needs to be taken care of.
Amy Yang
The authors of the the article, "Never Again, for Real", are Madeleine K. Albright, and William S. Cohen. They are columnists for the newspaper, New York Times, they use facts to support their opinion, and it's part of their job to express their opinion and concernes to the readers. I agree with the writers of the article that President Obama should prevent genocide, but i don't think any actions should be taken right now in the states. I believe leaders should recognize early signs of genocide to prevent a massive killing.
Nick Gordon
period 7
The authors of this article "Never Again, For Real" where written by Madeleine K. Albright an William S. Choen, columnists for the New York Times who write for the opinions section. I agree with their point of view that President Obama should make preventing genocide a national priority because the porblems genocide causes can last a long time and have a negative impact on many countries aroung the world. A good example they gave of this was that genocide fuels instability and makes it easier for terrorist groups recruit new members. The artice also states the importance of recognising the early signs of genocide and using military intervention only as a last resort.
Emily Towey
The article, "Never Again, For Real" was written by two New York times columists, Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen. They have been working for a long time and are experts at creating a POV and using facts and supporting details to back up there point. Therefore they are qualified to suggest that Obama and the U.S. should step in and help with the crisis in Sudan. I agree with this for all the reasons mentioned in the article. President should make this genocide a major priority even over our economic crisis and all of his other plans. WE need to step in because our standing in the world will lower if we stay mostly a bystander to hundreds of thousands of people suffering. Also genocide leads to ever lasting problems not just in that state but instability all over the world. Also I think if we provide aid and help fast other countries will want to step in also and then hopefully the janjaweeds can be stopped. This needs to happen now. america can't wait and watch because soon there may be no Darfurians left to help.
Renee Tornea - Period 7
"Never Again, For Real" was written by Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen. They are columnists for the Op-Ed section of the New York Times, as well as other sections, making them qualified to express their opinion. I agree with Albright and Cohen's point of view. Although genocide is not a big issue that is happening in the U.S., genocide in other countries can ultimately affect America. Genocide can cause America instability, unwanted relief efforts for refugees, and can cost us our standing in the world. Recognizing the early-warning signs of genocide is a step in the right direction, and pressuring those who "violate the norms of civilized behavior" will slowly but surely help abolish genocide.
Jacob Miller-Sobel
Period 7
"Never Again, For Real", was written by Madeleine K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen. They have been succesful writers for the NY Times for a years. I feel that the opinion of the writers, the United States should help with anti-genocide action, is correct. Genocide can occur very easily in poorer countries. This is because when people are poor they look for people to blame, which leads to hate, which leads to segragation, and in extreme cases genocide. Going back to the point of the United States stance on the issue is, the Americans need to pick a side. When people stand by and wait for approval more poeple will die. If Barack Obama wants the world to see us as the ethical world power so many Americans see themselves as we need to act.
chynna west period 5
The authors of "Never Again,for Real" are Madeline K. Albright and William S. Cohen who are writers for the New York Times. These two authors are qualified in what they do and have studied this topic before writing their opinions on what should be done. Do I agree with what was said in this article? Absolutely, but I don't think this is the time for President Barack Obama to be handeling this issue. Coming into the White House with loads of problems I don't think genocide is on the top of his priority list. Between war in the Middle East and the major economic crisis there are more important things to be handeled in our own country. Yes the genocide can effect America, but right now it's in his best interest to deal with our issues first. When the time comes I'm sure Obama will try to help with what's going on, but right now he has to focus on his own country first.
Madeline K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen are the writers of "Never Again, For Real" They write for the New York Tymes. I agree with these authors point of view because we should have a country that helps other people out. Genocide is a terrible thing and I'm sure that if our country was expieriencing genocide we would want help from other countries. I think the way to prevent genocide is to catch and stop it in the beginning.
Roman Rosales
Period 7
Randi Spitko
Period 5
The article, "Never Again, For Real", was written by Madeleine K. Albright & William S. Cohen. Both of the authors are columnists for the Op-Ed Section of the New York Times that know how to use the facts that they are given to base their opinion off of. I completely agree with the writers of this article. Darfur, and genocide in general, has been affecting the whole world with its negative effects. Way too many people have been killed, and the genocide has to be stopped. Genocide causes permanent instability and brings many long-lasting consequences to the area where the horrible acts are occuring - and the rest of the world as well. It could undermine the U.S. security and lead to worse economic problems than what we have currently. I agree with the writers that Obama should try to act on this issue of genocide and figure out a way to help out the victims of this horrible act, even if we have many outstanding problems to deal with. The early signs of genocide should be recognized and the countries should be helped in all possible ways.
Jasmine Goodwin
Period 5
The article titled "Never Again, For Real" was written by two New York Times authors who go by the name of Madeline K. Albright, and William S. Cohen. These authors have the career as columnists for The New York Times paper. A columnist is a person who expresses their opinions with facts to support them.I agree with this article. Having this experience these authors are able to state their opinion about the harmful Genocide crisis that President Obama needs to become aware of. I definitely believe that genocide should be a huge priority of President Barack Obama. America's struggling economy is one of the signs of leading to events containing Genocide. With this being a main priority there will be less of a chance for millions being killed,American becoming weaker of a nation and terrorism occurring.By recognizing the early signs of genocide these events can be preventable, and save America, and our future.
Sean Fennell
pd. 4
The article, "Never Again, For Real", written by Madeleine K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen talks about how the US government and Barack Obama should consider the genocde in Darfur and other places in the world a national priority. the authors of this peice write for the New York Times and specialize in opionated articles. In this case i agree strongly with there POV. These people, who are facing these atrocities need our help. Now America may not be in the best position with our economy right now but we are still a super power in the world and have the responsibility to take action. The decision to help these suffering people is not only right morally but right for our country because these countries will be in unrest for years and may one day be a direct threat to America. i belive it is better to take care of the situation now then to let it escalade into a bigger problem.
John Files - Period 4
I agree with Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen. In their article "Never Again, For Real" they speak about how America needs to focus on other people besides themselves. Its true that America's economy is a little unstable and in some danger, however Albright and Cohen are saying that there are other dangers out there. They are talking specifically about the genocide that we see some of today. They say that it could undermine our security, bring unstability and mass killings. Recognizing and acting upon some of the early signs of ganocide, are key steps to preventing it from breaking out. That is why President Obama should be concerned with genocides around the world. The longer we ignore this problem the worse it will be for everybody in the end.
Jake Randazzo
Period 7
I believe that all of the authors, especially Lydia Polgreen, are more than qualified to express their point of view about Darfur. Polgreen actually wrote her article in Sudan, so she has seen the genocide and actually talked wih a victim. Albright and Cohen also did a lot of research in genocide and many other social problems. Due to the instability of our country's economy, I do not believe that preventing genocide in other countries should be a primary objective. However, I do believe that the genocide in Darfur should be stopped in order to prevent any further social problems for Sudan and Chad. I also believe that other countries should be taking more action in the fight against genocide, since the U.S. is doing most of the relief work.
Stanley Taylor
Period 5
The article,"Never Again, For Real," was written by the authors, Madaleline K. Albright And Williams S. Cohen. These two authors are columnist for the New York Times and they use facts and evidence to express their POV in their writings. The two authors believe that Genocide should not be taken lightly and should be delt with right away therefore telling President Obama to take action in this crutial mischieft.Genocide is systematic killing of a racial or cultural group. They have proof of many people being killed everyday just because of their race, religion, etc.. If there is even small trait of Genocide it should be delt with and not just be looked at as a small situation that won't escalate.Military actions are not always required to solve problems if they are taken care of from the start.People are dieing everyday for a fact because of genocide and they believe President Obama should go out his way to make sure genocide should be looked at nationally.So therefore I do agree in there oposition. If we can try to solve minor situations before they evolve into something cataphoric, that would be our first step into stopping Genocide.
The Authors Madeleine K. Albright & William S. Cohen are columnists that use their point of view to discuss issues in the world. However, I don't agre with them. Even though genocide is bad, i think that there are more important things to be dealt with. On and more selfish note we need to be focusing on picking ourselves of the ground with this horrible crisis before we start spending more money on those other countries. It is teir governments responsibility to take care of their people and is also the responsibility of the United Nations. The United States is not the only country that has money, Other countries such as China and Russia should step in and help out. It's selfish of THEM to turn a blind eye just because they are involved in Sudans oil economy.
Isabelle Martinez- period 5!
Ryan Woerner
Period 5
This article, entitled "Never Again, For Real" was written by Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen, authors from the New York Times, both of which have been writing opinion based articles for years. I agree with everything said in this article. While we do have our own problems at the moment (economy), i think not acting could, as the authors said "undermine American security". Helping to stop, and prevent future events like genocide can help save lives and bring these events to the eyes of others, hopefully stopping them for good.
Phalon Thornhill
Period 5
In the article, "Never Again, For Real", columnists Madeline K. Albright and William S. Cohen expressed the hidden cracks in the superpowers' plans. When it comes to planning future for their countries they tend to overlook the more important issues surrounding the world. Coming into other countries with genocidical issues, our petty money problems seem quite minimal. Surrounded by warfare and death, the genocide countries need major help. America can step in to give it to them. With a new president, and a new outlook, America can give a glimmerof hope to those struggling.
Talya Greenblatt
Period 4
The writers of the article, "Never Again, For Real", are Madeleine K. Albright & William S. Cohen. Being columnists, they are able to incorporate there opinion on the subject of genocide, specifically in Darfur, Sudan. The writers believe that because of the current state of the genocide, President Obama should make "preventing genocide a national priority." Personally, I agree with the writers of the article that the genocide should become a national priority. Between the moral reasons, the image of America, and the aftermath of the genocide, there is no reason to not bring the nation's attention toward the genocide. I also think that the way the Sudanese government lets militiamen like the janjaweed go around and kill, rape and kick people out of their homes is horrible. As Albright and Cohen write, "... the longer we wait to act, the higher the price tag".
Hunter Maerz
Period 4
"Never Again, For Real," was written by Madeleine K. Albright & Williams S. Cohen. These two have worked as writers for the New York Times for many years, and they focus on writing opinion stories and using facts and reasons to support their ideas.
I strongly agree with this article for a few reasons that the writers stated. First of all, even though our own country is going through an economic crisis right now, genocide could eventually end up undermining America's security. Genocide is a horrible thing for these nations to go through and it has many long-lasting problems such as permanent instability. To prevent genocide from happening in the future we must recognize it in the early steps of it forming so that we can stop it from happening.
After doing some research I found that Madeline K. Albright was actually the 64th secretary of state under Bill Clinton and william S. Cohen was the Secretary of Defense also under Bill Clinton.
Roman Rosales
Pd. 7
Brady Knight, period 7
The authors of the article "Never Again, For Real" are Madeleine K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen, two American citizens who have researched the topic and arrived at a conclusion which they state and support factually in the article. I agree with their opinion for two reasons. First, I believe genocide to be animalistic, highly immoral, and utterly unacceptable in modern society. In addition, as stated in the article, it undermines our strength in multiple ways if we allow it to happen. Part of the President's role is to ensure America's well-being in the long-term as well as short-term, and part of doing so is the active prevention of genocide.
Darynette Gonzalez - Period 4
Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen wrote the article "Never Again,For Real". These authors have been writing for a couple of years for the New York Times. They are columnists and they write using facts and opinions to base their poiint of views. I also think that the writers are absolutely right. I think that they seem to really know what they are talking about especially when they say that just because we're in a bad economic situation right now, we should also forcus on something that could also undermine the United States and our security. That is the genocides. I think president Obama has the power and he will choose the right desision for the United States and our own good safety.
Breeana Darden
period 7
In the article "Never Again, for Real," two knowledgeable and experienced politicians state that President Obama should make preventing genocide a national priority, despite the hefty agenda he already faces. Among their reasons, they state that genocide does not just affect the undemocratic states in which they start, but they affect other nations because refugees cross borders. Accepting these refugees is expensive, so I agree with this point-- especially considering the huge financial crisis the U.S. is facing right now. Further, they state that America's global respect will decrease if other nations view us as passive bystanders of these atrocious acts. I agree with this, too, because the US continues to lose the respect of other nations when we don't use the power that such a rich and developed as were are has. Because of these views, I must agree with Dr. Albright and Mr. Cohen. President Obama should definitely make preventing genocide a national priority. Dr. Albright's former position as the first female Secretary of State, and her experience as the US Permament Representative to the United Nations, and the president of the Center for National Policy, along with her present status as research professor of International Affairs at Georgetown University, among other impressive roles make her qualified to make such a declaration about why President Obama needs to establish genocide prevention as a national priority. Also, Mr. Cohen's extensive experience as Secretary of Defense under President Clinton and his involvement with details about the defense budget give him credibility as well. Therefore, who could disagree with these two experienced people on this important topic?
Marissa Jones
*Period 5*
The article “Never Again, for Real” was written by Madeleine K Albright and William S. Cohen. Madeleine K Albright was the first woman in senate giving her the highest seat of power in America for a woman citizen. Throughout her political and teaching career, she has promoted human rights. William S Cohen has worked for House of Representatives and Senate. Both have written for New York Times for many years. I agree with this article. Obama should make genocide a national priority because our strong country has the power to stop these horrible crimes; also, for our national’s morals and protection. If genocide spreads it could even invade our country destroying our home. If the people leading these attacks become strong enough to form a terrorist group, they could easily attack other countries, maybe our friends or even us. Not stopping genocide is just as wrong as creating the destruction yourself.
Taylor Lentz
period 7
In thid article, "Never Again, For Real", Madeline K Albright & Williams S Cohen made their opinions on genocide very clear. I agree with their bias report. Genocide in any country is not a good thing and president Obama needs to help out. Yes, the United States is helping a significant about keeping in mind we are in a recession. The unstable countries are unsually the ones to see early signs of genocide. If the president will respectively help them, we might be able to prevent this horible doing.
"Never Again, For Real" was written by Madeline K. Albright and William S. Cohen. Both of them have written for the New York Times for years to share their ideas and thoughts on topics to anyone willing to read. As the authors suggest and i agree completely, Barack Obama needs to provide help to stop and prevent genocide. Although not directly our problem, it proves troublesome as mentioned. It can undermine our security but also if left the way it is it will continue and become a larger issue. By preventing genocide it gives the United States more control over dangerous situations. If we intervene with this terrible situation and help then other countries will realize that they need to stray away from terrible things like this to succeed.
Freddie Reichel
Period 4
Sean Lawrence--pd. 7
The article, "Never Again, For Real", was written by Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen. Albright was the first women to be appointed United States Secretary of State (by Bill Clinton). She has received recognition from many prestigious schools such as John Hopkins University and Columbia University. As a result, Albright is an expert in her field whose opinions and ideas should be took in consideration. William S. Cohen served as Secretary of Defense under Democratic President Bill Clinton. Like Albright, Cohen received recognition from prestigious schools (graduated cum laude from Bowdoin College). He also was appointed as one of the top ten men in the Jaycees (United States Junior Chamber). During his term in office, Cohen traveled abroad. Thus exposing himself to foreign countries and getting an idea of the world outside the U.S. Cohen should be taking seriously for his experience in, and outside of the U.S. makes him an invaluable resource.
I do believe that Obama should make preventing genocide a national policy. Although some may argue that being in a recession we should wait, this would be an unwise decision for the more we wait, the more we will have to pay later. These costs would go toward the relief acts needed to help stop the genocide in the unstable countries. Additionally, the longer we wait to aid these undeveloped countries, the lower America's standing in the world will drop. By not aiding in the preventing of genocide as soon as possible, America is essentially bystander. No country respects another country that is a bystander of genocide. Lastly, it is right, morally, to help in the preventing and stopping of genocide. As a country, we cannot stand here while women are being rapped and killed and children being kidnapped and turned into soldiers. All in all the outcomes of aiding in the stopping and preventing of genocide are nothing but beneficial.
Max Breitkreutz
Period 4
"Never Again, For Real" is an article written by Madeleine K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen who are both columnists at the New York Times. I agree mostly with the article about America preventing genocide throughout the world. The only issue is knowing when it is invading too much on other countries or putting Americans at risk. Although if the genocide gets out of hand it could ultimately undermine America's security. I believe President Obama needs to stop genocide whenever he feels that it is the correct decision for human rights to prevent it. He needs to stand up and make a decision on the subject and then follow through. The best solution would be to know the warning signs of genocide to stop it before it ever happens.
Kyle Lee
Period 7
Madeleine K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen who are the authors of the article "Never Again, For Real" are qualified to express their views because they are professional writers that write for the New Yorker. They use facts and statistics to justify their views. They believe that President Obama should make preventing genocide a national priority. I "strongly disagree" with their POV. President Obama is the President of the U.S. not the President of the world. Therefore he should keep out of other countries issues it is not his place to decide wheter or not whats happening in other countries is right or wrong. These issues are issues for the U.N. where the wfole world actually has a say and not just one country. Also President Obama has his hands full with other problems relating to America such as: the economy and the war in Iraq.
Kelly Lyons, Period 4
The article, "Never Again, For Real," was written by Madeleine K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen. They are columnists for the New York Times, writing articles about their point of views. I definintely agree with these writers because you never know when genocide could occur. If this doesn't become a priority in our country, we will all be in danger. I think Barack Obama needs to enfore this because in our world today, you can never be to safe. Obama needs to let everyone know that he is looking out for the people of this country, and doing whatever it takes to make everyone safe. Though we have many problems in this country already, I believe that if we do not take a stand on genocide in the U.S., it could become a major issue.
Nadia Korsun
Period 7
The authors of "Never Again, For Real" are Madeline K. Albright and William S. Cohen. They are professional authors and have written pieces for the New York Times. When people have their work published in the New York Times, it ususlly means they are excellent writers that know what they are talking about and have strong evidence to support it. I do agree with what the authors are saying. Obama should be concerned with other country's genocides because they do have an influence on us. It corrupts states and makes them weaker. Also terrorism occurs in weak states. So by stopping genocide is also stopping terrorism. It's a win-win situation. Obama should be able to help out the countries to prevent this situation from happening
"Never again , for Real" was written by Medeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen. Madeleine was the first woman to become United States Secretary of State. William is an author and American politician from the U.S. state of Maine. Both people are columnists for the New York Times and they specialize in writing opinionated articles. I agree with this article because i believe genocide is the worst thing a person could possible do to another. Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. This is completely wrong especially in a world like ours, where we are supposed to have freedom of speech and religion. I think this article is a good way to inform people about how important it is to know about genocide so that we can prevent it from getting any worse.
Danielle Strauss
Period Seven
Steve Woll Period 5 Upfront Response.
“President Obama should make preventing genocide a national priority,” is expressed in “Never Again, for Real” written by Madeleine K. Albright & William S. Cohen. This article was very interesting in how it described the fact that the U.N. promised to prevent genocide no matter what and where. I also find the article interesting when it expresses how a lot of the issues today, terrorism, drug cartels, religious wars, and more, can all be linked to genocide. Preventing genocide would help maintain a lot of the world order. There are numerous people in the government that notice genocide and just watch like “bystanders.” This article is definitely right in the fact that President Obama should make a point to stand against genocide so the world doesn’t see another Darfur. So many women, children, and families were slaughtered. It can be stopped.
Madeleine K. Albright was the first woman to be secretary of state appointed by Bill Clinton. She is an expert in foreign affairs and policies. She was a Senior Fellow in Soviet and Eastern European Affairs at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. She also was a co-founder for the Center of National Policy. William S. Cohen was Secretary of Defense under Bill Clinton and was also the author of the “American Politician.” I think that these people are qualified to recommend preventing genocide to Barack Obama. Obviously they have to know what they are talking about with all the experience. They have lived and worked through the time of Genocide in Darfur.
I would have to agree with the authors. If genocide is prevented, it is one more link to the perfect world of no crime, no threats, no murder, and freedom. Their reasons are sufficient to make me agree with them. It makes sense. Genocide is one of the worst things that can happen to any citizen.
The article "never Again, for Real" was written by Madeleine K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen. These two authors are experienced columnists for the New york Times newspaper, and their job is to express their opinions and support them with facts. They see things happen and are in the know, and this gives them the right to express their beleifs and opinions.
I strongly agree with the writers' opinions and point of view. Genocide causes severe long-term problems in countries and i think that recognizing the early signs of genocide and stopping them is very important. Preventing death is a large part in making more time for solving other problems.
Niki Fedorowicz
Period 7
Jade Smith pd. 4
The authors of the article "Never Again, For Real" are Madeleine K. Albright and William S. They are columnists for the Op-Ed page in the New York Times. The Op-Ed page is a section in the paper that has opinionated pieces and editorials, so the authors are very skilled at expressing their point of view. I disagree with the writer's of the article. America has many problems of its own, and taking on too much responsibility won't be any help at all. I think that once America is more stable, we can try to put a stop to genocide. I think that the United Nations should do more in the mean time. Or, we could do what we did to the Serbains in 1998,and have multiple countries, not just us, working together to stop ethnic cleansing, or genocide.
Jackie Boyd
Period 5
The article, "Never Again, for Real," was written by Madeline K. Albright and William S. Cohen. They are both columnists for The New York Times, and are therefore qualified to express their opinion on this issue.
I agree with the authors point of view, because genocide is an extremely terrible thing, killing millions of people in just Darfur alone. Its not only affecting the countries where it's happening, but others like the U.S. as well. U.S. military's are being made to go into the countries to attempt to rescue refugees. In addition, genocide could potentially make the U.S. economic problem bigger then it already is and cause trouble for our country. President Obama should absolutely make it a priority to prevent genocide from occuring.
Allie Naughton Period 4
In the article, "Never Again, For Real," written by Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen. They wrote this because they work in the Opinion part of the newspaper, so thier specialty is saying what they think all the time and backing it up.
I agree with this article and its authors because we cant afford to watch this just happen without doing a thing about it. All they need is for a major country to stand up for them, and who knows more might follow. They key is to stop it early, before the outcomes are irreversible.
Juliet Montefusco
Period 7
"Never Again For Real", was written by Madeleine K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen. They are writers for the New York Times who specialize in writing opinion based articles. The writers of this article believe action to the prevention of the genocide should be immediate. I agree with the writers of this article. Barack Obama should make preventing genocide a national priority, because not only is genocide sickening, but it could eventually hurt America, as they said in the article. Although The U.S. economically may not be the best country to help someone now, there would be massive problems, if we don`t help the situation in Darfur. Not only does genocide stir up terrorism, human trafficking, and civil strife, but it also is very difficult to help end. As it states in the article, placing refugees and helping with the relief effort is imperative and "the longer we wait to act, the higher the price tag." Obama and the U.S. helping out as soon as possible, as Albright and Cohen have expressed, is crucial to the safety and wellfare of thousands in Africa, as well as in America.
Hadley Rosenbaum period 4
The article, "Never Again, For Real", was written by Madeleine K. Albright & William S. Cohen. Both of the authors are columnists for the Op-Ed Section of the New York Times that know how to use the facts that they are given to to demonstrate their knowledge on the topic. I think that the writers of this article are correct. Darfur and genocide in overall has been affecting the whole world with its negative effects.Throughout history, so many people have been killed off from it for no real reason. Genocide causes permanent instability and brings many long-lasting consequences to the area where the horrible acts are occurring as well as the rest of the world. It could undermine the U.S. security and lead to worse economic problems than what we have currently. I agree with the writers that Obama should try to act on this issue of genocide and figure out a way to help out the victims of this horrible act, even if we have many outstanding problems to deal with. The early signs of genocide should be recognized and the countries should be helped in all possible ways.
Jenna Im - Pd.4
The authors of "Never Again, for Real," was written by Madeleine K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen. These two authors have been columnists for the New York Times, for several of years which qualified them to express their POV. I agree with the writers of this article, especially the part where they talk about preventing mass kililngs may require military intervention and that we must learn to recognize the early-warning signs of genocide. I think it is really important to recognize the early signs of genocide because then we can try to prevent the mass killings early as possible and it may benefit our economy in a way, since there will be less people dying.
Ian Farrell
The authors of the article "Never Again, For Real" are Madeleine K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen, two Americans who have looked up the topic and arrived at a conclusion which they state and support with the use of facts in the article. I agree with the authors of the article. President Obama should prevent genocide, but we have to take care of our problems first. If there are any signs of genocide we should do all that we can to prevent it. Also as a country we can work together to help other to make the world a better place.
Tyler Conroy
Both of the authors who wrote "Never Again, For Real" are very well established. Madeleine K. Albright served as the secretary of the state from 1997 to 2001. William S. Cohen was the secretary of defense from 1997 to 2001. Both are co-chairmen of the Genocide Prevention Task Force. This article is written from the opinions of both of them. They can state that opinion because both are very well educated people who spent most of their lives and careers in politics. I think that they know what they are talking about when it comes to something that has to do with our countries defense. I agree with the article because genocide is a terrible thing that is happening all over the world. It would help the U.S. in the long run to intervene before the genocide happens. If we do not then we would have to go in afterwards and clean up everything.
Wes Rines
The article, "Never Again, For Real," written by Madeleine K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen who both work for the New York Times. These are credible writters who have some sort of first hand sorce of the crisis judging by the description and detail in the article. Also, being the top news paper in the country I doubt if you would just choose anyone to be in your paper. As for my opinion on what should Obama do in Durfur, I think that he should help. I know it is difficult with the economic and other issues in out country, but being the US, the monitor of the world, we have to step in. Not going would not also kill many lives, but it is morally right. Also not going would change the view of what countries think of the power of America.Although not directly our problem, it proves troublesome as mentioned.
Amanda Kida
Period: 7
This article, "Never Again, For Real," was written by Madeleine K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen. Madeleine K. Albright is not just a journalist, she was once the secretary of state to President Bill Clinton; 64th to the United States. She was a pretty important factor to the United States' responsibility towards domestic and international problems. Williams S. Cohen is also a writer, and he was once the secretary of defense to President Bill Clinton. This means that he had a very important part in making important military-related decisions. I can see how they would both feel strongly about the issue of genocide in other countries because they have once been huge government advocates.
I feel that it would obviously be a very good idea for President Obama to make genocide a national priority. Genocide is a huge issue, and we are lucky we live in a country where we don't have to worry about it, but other countries do. The more we can help them, the more we make this world more peaceful. There are few people out there who i think would stand against making this a national priority. I don't think that anybody really likes the idea of mass deaths, except of course the people committing the genocide. However, i also feel that we need to focus a lot on our own problems. I feel that the more we focus on other countries, the more we forget about our own country and how much help we, ourselves, need. I don't mean to sound selfish, but we need to take care of ourselves before or we will all watch America decline. We need to be strong for ourselves, and other countries will see that. If we focus on the strength of our country first, the easier it will be to prevent genocide in other countries.
Joe Hegerich - Period 5
The authors of "Never Again, for Real" are Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen. They are columnists for the New York Times who are expressing their opinion about genocide being a priority for President Obama in the article. I agree that President Obama should make preventing genocide a national priority because people are being murdered in Darfur and Sudan. The columnists wrote that the U.S. should help prevent genocide because it weakens the stability of the U.S. and the global standing of the U.S. I think that President Obama should make an effort to stop genocide, but I think that he should also stay focused on the crumbling economy. So, I think that the more countries help stopping this genocide the less people will be killed because I don't think that the U.S. is going to be able to stop it on its own.
Chris Finestone
Period 7
The people who wrote "Never Again, For Real" are William Cohen and Madeleine Albright. They are both columnists. They both have their opinions on Darfur included in the article. They think that President Obama should take immediate action in Darfur, to stop the genocide that they believe is happening there. They think that preventing genocide is a national priority. I think that our government should take to initiative to intervene in Darfur. Former President, Bill Clinton, said that he regretted not doing anything about Rwanda, and we will inevitably regret not doing anything about Darfur, if we do not take action. but, I think that this country is also uninterested in foreign countries, who do not directly benefit the US. For example, we never hear anything about these kinds of atrocities on our news channels. The BBC news is the really the only news source that broadcasts somewhat in the US that does, but even they only really talk about Darfur. If we widen our news intake to the outside world, we can better moderate the sometimes unruly countries.
Rachel, Period 4
Lydia Polgreen, author of "Darfur: The Genocide Continues", is an award winning journalist for the new york times based in Senegal. Of the authors of "Never Again, For Real" Madeleine Albright was the first woman to become Secretary of State, and is currently a professor at Georgetown University. He co-author, William Cohen served as secretary of state under President Clinton and is co-chairing a genocide prevention task force with Albright (mentioned above).
I do agree with the writers of this article to a point. While President Obama should make preventing Genocide a priority, there are other powerful countries in the world. Preventing Genocide shouldn't be on the US' shoulders alone. Other countries, despite a world wide recession, can afford to chip in the funding necessary to fight genocide. Both China and Brazil's economies are on the rise, meanwhile countries like Great Britain and France have been strong countries for hundreds of years.
It's undeniable though, that genocide needs to be stopped. The 200,000 people killed in Darfur is a testament to that fact.
Lupo Zeneli - Pd.7
Madeleine K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen wrote Never Again, For Real. These two workers are columnists for the Op-Ed section of the New York Times. This makes them qualified to express their opinions. I agree with their opinions on preventing genocide. If genocide were to occur in America it would have a long lasting effect, make it easier for terrorist groups to recruit, and many more. I agree that President Obama should put preventing genocide on his agenda, but not make it his top priority because America has bigger problems to deal with.
Hannah Comins
Period 4
I think that Obama should make genocide a national priority because it is a very important and severe issue in the world, and it needs to be stopped. The writers of the two articles are both columnists who use facts in their writing to back up their point of view.
Alyssa Williams pd. 5
Lydia Polgreen, who wrote “Darfur: The Genocide Continues” believes that President Obama needs to take action against genocide. She says the United States provides 85 percent of the food aid going into Darfur and other countries and not supplied the money they pledged. She notes the countless number of people that have been slaughtered and describes in detail the groups committing the genocide and their actions. Polgreen is the West Africa bureau Chief of The New York Times which is based in Senegal. She was awarded with the George Polk Award” for her coverage of the violence in Darfur. She is no doubt qualified to write her opinion.
In “Never Again, for Real”, written by Madeleine Albright and William Cohen, many facts are stated. The writers used the facts to back their opinion that President Obama should act against the genocide in Darfur. Their reasons are the negative effects of genocide on our country, such as fleeing refugees and the erosion of our nation’s status, and the number of people being killed and assaulted. Both Albright and William were very well educated and experienced. Albright held two positions that make her qualified to write this article: President of the Center for National Policy and Research Professor of National Affairs.
Heidi Jeong-pd.7
The two authors of the article, "Never Again, For Real," are Madeleine K. Albright and Williams S. Cohen. Albright had many jobs that dealt with International affairs. For example, she served as President of the organization called Center for National Policy. She was also the Research Professor of International Affairs and Director of Women in Foreign Service Program at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service. Secretary Albright is currently a professor at Georgetown, and serves as a Director on the Board of the Council on Foreign Relations. Cohen served as the Secretary of Defense for the U.S between 1997 to 2001. As secretary of defense Cohen has dealt with many international relations. For example he played a large role in directing the United States military actions in Iraq and Kosovo. These two authors are qualified to express their point of view on why Obama should making preventing genocide a national priority because their previous jobs required them to have a deep understanding of international relationships and policies. Their jobs also gave them a lot of international experience. So, they probably know what’s best for the U.S and the rest of the world.
I agree with these two authors that preventing genocide should be a national policy because genocide undermines America's security. For example genocide fuels instability, usually in corrupt states which is where terrorist recruitment and other dangers are found. These terrorists cause a threat to the U.S because they could attack us at any time. Another example is that genocide can cause the U.S to take care of refugees which is costly. Also, if Obama does not make preventing genocide as a national priority, then its reputation would be eroded because the U.S would be perceived as bystanders that are too lazy or scared to take action. This would probably make other nations not want to help the U.S if they’re ever in a time of need. Obviously, it is essential that Obama makes preventing genocide a national priority.
Derek Gallo
Period 7
The article on genocide, titled "Darfur: "Never Again, for Real" was written by Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen, two New York Times columnists. Views and observations on world affairs are their job so their opinions being well qualified and legitimate are unquestionable. My feelings on whether or not President Obama should make preventing genocide a national priority is different than most. I think that this question being such a big deal is, for lack of better word, dumb. I feel that this shouldn't even be a question. I think that preventing genocide should already be a priority to everyone, and for those who would let big groups of people be killed for their race are ignorant and do not deserve to walk in the sunlight. I think that preventing genocide should be a priority to everyone everywhere regardless of who is trying to make it official. Nothing good comes from mass killings of people.
Kyle Lee
Period 7
Madeleine K. Albright was the first women Secretary of State for Bill Clinton. Williams S. Cohen was the Secretary of Defense for Bill Clinton. These two are qualified to express their views because they use to be politicians and worked under a president. They use facts and statistics to justify their views. They believe that President Obama should make preventing genocide a national priority. I "strongly disagree" with their POV. President Obama is the President of the U.S. not the President of the world. Therefore he should keep out of other countries issues it is not his place to decide wheter or not whats happening in other countries is right or wrong. These issues are issues for the U.N. where the wfole world actually has a say and not just one country. Also President Obama has his hands full with other problems relating to America such as: the economy and the war in Iraq.
Jacob Miller-Sobel
Period 7
(This is to clarify my original response)
"Never Again, For Real", was written by Madeleine K. Albright, (Secretary of state under President Clinton. Before she was Secretary of state she was the permanent representative to the U.N. for the US.), and Williams S. Cohen, (Congress man and later Secretary of Defense). They have been succesful writers for the NY Times for a years. I feel that the opinion of the writers, the United States should help with anti-genocide action, is correct. Genocide can occur very easily in poorer countries. This is because when people are poor they look for people to blame, which leads to hate, which leads to segragation, and in extreme cases genocide. Going back to the point of the United States stance on the issue is, the Americans need to pick a side. When people stand by and wait for approval more poeple will die. If Barack Obama wants the world to see us as the ethical world power so many Americans see themselves as we need to act.
Maureen Bowler pr: 4
The columnists, Madeleine K Albright and William S. Cohen, wrote an article entitled, "Never Again, For Real". This article expresses their views regarding genocide and what they feel America's involvement should be.
And i must agree that this is not the time to be taking the back seat and allowing genocide to occur in our world. We must act now, efficiently and as peacefully as possible. President Obama should make preventing genocide a national priority. Though genocide does not directly effect America it will, in the grand scheme of things, hurt us. We must recognize theses early warning signs to stop the inevitable deaths that will occur or have occurred. By simply pressuring the people who do not act in a civilized manor we can end genocide before it begins.
The article, “Never again, For Real,” was written by Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen, two extremely qualified people to talk about the subject. Albright was the 64th secretary of state and in 1997 she was named the first female secretary of state, becoming the highest ranked woman in U.S. government history. She has done many other amazing things such as earn her Bachelor of Arts, a Master degree and doctorate. Cohen, the other author is involved with many groups. He is chairman and chief executive officer of The Cohen Group, serves on the board of CBS and on the advisory boards of the U.S.-India Business Council. Both Albright and Cohen are in the right position to be discussing this issue. They also use facts to back up all of their opinions. This article opens your eyes to how much more we could be doing to try and prevent Genocide. I agree that President Obama should make this a national priority. Taking steps to not only prevent it but to recognize the early signs of Genocide are the first step we can take in attempting to prevent mass murders in the future.
Chelsea Dyjak
Period 4
Amy Guerra- period 4
The authors of "Never Again, For Real", Madeleine K. Albright & William S. Cohen, share the viewpoint that President Obama should make preventing genocide a national priority. They believe that if we sit back and do nothing, not only will the costs of repairs be high, but the reputation of our contry will suffer. I agree with the authors of the article because i believe that genocide is wrong in every aspect. America is one of the world's superpowers, and when a country has the money and power to help prevent genocide, i think they should act on that. If America makes an effort to stop current genocides as well as preventing future genocides, it will develop closer bonds between countries and a greater sense of national security. If nations try to help one another in the prevention of genocide, those common bonds will bring out a better understanding between countries. If that occurs, then there will be less hatred in the world and tragedies such as genocide and terrorism will be minimized.
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